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Year R - Starling Class

Class Teacher: Miss Lamb


Welcome to Starling Class! 


In Starling Class this term we are looking at Fantastic Fairytales exploring classic stories such as 'The Little Red Hen', 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'The Gingerbread Man' to name a few. We will also be looking at celebrations throughout the term including Diwali, Bonfire night and of course Christmas as we begin to learn songs to sing at our Christmas Nativity show that we will be sharing in December. 


In Maths, we will be focusing on Numbers up to 5 exploring different ways we can make them as well as represent them using objects in the class and maths resources. We will also look at circles and triangles in our environment, in artwork such as Kandinsky and identify their properties to be able to sort them. 


In Reception, our approach to learning is primarily through play following the Early Years Foundation Stage's 7 key areas Maths, Literacy, Communication and Language, Physical development, Understanding the World, Expressive Art and Design and Personal and Social Development. The children have access to both outside and inside provisions, following their own interests as well as supported activities. The children have high-quality interactions with staff members and other children to develop key skills such as sharing, peer interactions and use of vocabulary to name a few.


We will continue to have Forest School on Tuesdays. As the weather gets colder and wetter we ask that the children continue to bring in a change of shoes to avoid them staying in their muddy boots all day. 

At home, we would appreciate that the children read as often as possible a range of books. Every child has a decodable phonics book which is read at school with your child to ensure they have an appropriate book however, exposing your child to a range of age-appropriate books is a key part of their learning. 


If you have any questions or queries please do contact the school office through email or phone call or catch me at the door during drop off or pick up.